positivity w/robbie rogers
This brand campaign centered around youth coming together to create positivity in a social media culture plagued by bullies and trolls. The imagery depicts young athletes in softball, futsal, basketball and volleyball using creativity and teamwork to forge a way forward through sport.
Robbie Rogers, the LA Galaxy defender who became the first openly gay male athlete in a major North American professional sport, is featured in the campaign.
"Our reality is filled with negativity-- time to break away. We use positivity and creativity to focus on what matters. This is about not letting negative noise or outside influence distract or throw you off your game. CREATIVITY CHANGES EVERYTHING."
AD: Adam Tuck / Agency: 72andSunny / Styling: Shadi Khasteda i / HMU: Jenni Clark / Sport Choreography: Dustin Dennard / Production: Imperial Woodpecker